When should I hire a lawyer?

It is almost never too early to hire a lawyer if you think you need one. The following are general guidelines for when you might want legal representation in different types of cases:

  • Criminal cases: If the police are questioning you, you have the right to have a lawyer present. They cannot continue to ask you questions once you have told them in clear terms that you want to hire a lawyer.
  • Juvenile cases: Your child also has the right to legal representation in a juvenile case, and to have an attorney present when talking to law enforcement.
  • CPS cases: While CPS cases are not criminal in nature, CPS investigators can be just as assertive and intimidating as the police. You have the right to have an attorney represent you at the start of an investigation.
  • Family cases: Divorce and other family law matters can be complicated and emotional. Having a lawyer at the start of the process can save you many headaches further down the road. Even if you believe that you and your spouse agree on everything in the divorce, a family attorney with knowledge of Michigan's laws and its family court system can guide you through the process.